Anyone glancing through a wrought-iron window in a historic building, castle or church will immediately notice what a difference float glass technology has made. You can look right through the glass without any optical distortion. Grenzebach and CNUD EFCO have been shaping the story of float glass technology from the outset. Our wealth of experience benefits our customers all around the world.
Grenzebach and CNUD EFCO have been supplying production and processing machinery for industrial float glass from the very beginning. Since the 1990s, we’ve been technology pioneers in this sector. Today, way more than half the panels of glass fitted in buildings are based on Grenzebach technology and/or produced by CNUD EFCO.

“Glass is one of the world’s oldest materials and has achieved a quantum leap thanks to float glass technology. We provide end-to-end support to float glass manufacturers and I’m always impressed each time I walk down a production line. And that really motivates us as a team to break the mold and make the technology even better for our customers.”
Hot to Cold
Our mission:
Grenzebach’s mission is to cover the journey glass takes from hot to cold. We offer a one-stop solution that encompasses the tin bath to the annealing lehr all the way to the cold end, transporting the finished product to the warehouse. Why not make use of this unique factor?

Partnership and Service That Go the Extra Mile
We live service
Our mission is to maintain your production machinery at a high level of availability. We want you to benefit consistently from technological improvements and modernizations. View us as a sparring partner who offers service that goes that extra mile and ensures added value for your plant.

Our Digitalization Solution for Tomorrow’s Glass Production
What will the future be like? Be a part of it!
Digitalization has touched all areas of our lives, whether we’re using smartwatch payment options, writing a digital journal, carpooling or living in automated smart homes. Digitalization is opening the door to a spectacular future of glass production. So why not come on board?

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Meet us
For North America
Your Contact Person: Ron LaBorde
You would like to know what Grenzebach glass solutions can do for you? Call or write us about your challenge. We look forward to hearing from you!

For all other regions
Your Contact Person: Florian Nagler
Collaboration means dialogue. We support you no matter where you are in the world. Contact us. Send us your enquiry.