Data Protection Declaration

We appreciate your visit on and your interest in our website The protection of your private data is self-evident for us. This is why we would like to provide you with the information below on how we process your personal data. The website is an offering of Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH (hereinafter “Grenzebach”).

Personal data is any data that allows to identify your person Here it is of no consequence whether the identification can be made based on a single piece of information. The more information and data can be amalgamated, the more precisely the person can be identified. Personal data includes, in particular, the name, address, age, e-mail address and phone number of a person.

1. Responsible for Data Processing

For questions, requests for information, applications, complaints and criticism regarding our data protection, you may approach the following entity:

Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH
Albanusstraße 1
86663 Asbach-Bäumenheim/Hamlar
Phone: +49 906 982-2000

Grenzebach disposes of a data protection organization and uses a data protection management system. If you have questions or queries regarding the processing of your personal data you can contact our data protection organization directly. You can reach our data protection team including our data protection officer via:


2. Collection, Processing and Retention of Personal Data by Grenzebach

Grenzebach collects, processes and retains your personal data only if this is permitted under legal regulations or you have given your consent. We receive such personal data in two ways: either you communicated the personal data to us or we collect it when you use our services.

2.1 Data you communicate to us

As a rule, you may use our website without directly communicating personal information to us. For some services we will ask for personal information from you in order to either handle the respective service quickly and user-friendly or offer the service at all. You can find detailed information of all services offered by Grenzebach on this website under item "Individual services" article 4 of this privacy policy.

2.2 Data we receive by you using our services

Some data accrue automatically and, for technical reason, already when you visit our website. Such data is temporarily retained in a log file. A company commissioned with hosting this website stores this data temporarily in a so-called log file. The following information is collected in this context without any action on your part and retained until its automated erasure:

  • browser type
  • browser version
  • operating system used
  • referrer URL
  • time of the server request
  • IP address
  • HTTP status code
  • size of the transmission
  • access method

We process the aforementioned data for the following purposes:

  • to ensure smooth establishment of a connection to the website,
  • to ensure convenient use of our website,
  • to evaluate system security and stability.

The legal basis for the data processing is point (f) of Art. 6(1) GDPR. Our legitimate interest follows from the purposes of data processing that are listed above. We do not use the collected data to draw conclusions about your person in any case.

In addition, we use cookies when you visit our website. More detailed explanations on this can be found under clause 3 of this Privacy Policy.

2.3 Dissemination of data

During the processing of personal data on our website we sometimes may need to transmit or disclose data to internal or external bodies.  Recipients of this data may, for example, include IT service providers in the context of maintenance measures and administration of services and content. We ensure that the disclosure of personal data complies with the legal requirements. In particular, contracts are concluded with order processing bodies for commissioned processing in accordance with Art. 28 DSGVO.

If we disclose or transmit personal data to third parties, this is expressly indicated in the description within this data protection declaration or in the associated consent that you give us.

2.4 Data transfer to a third country or to an international organisation

Data is transferred to recipients in states outside the European Union (third countries) only where a recognised level of data protection exists or based on special guarantees, permission, certifications or binding internal data protection regulations, cf. Art. 44 - 49 GDPR.

3. Use of cookies

3.1 Definition of terms

Cookies are small files which are automatically created by your browser and retained on your terminal (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.). Cookies do not contain viruses, Trojans or other malware.

Cookies store information resulting in connection with the specifically used terminal. That does not mean that we gain direct knowledge of your identity through such cookies. Cookies are used to make the use of our offer more convenient for you and can be distinguished as follows:

3.2 Types of cookies

We distinguish different types of cookies on our website depending on the purpose for which they are used:

Strictly necessary: Strictly necessary cookies are required for the operation of a website and are indispensable for navigating it and using its functions.

Preferences: Preferences cookies allow the website to remember information which influence the way the website acts or is displayed, e.g. the region you are currently in.

Statistics: Statistics cookies allow to collect and count the number of visitors and traffic sources to measure and improve the website's performance.  They are also used to find out if problems or errors occur on certain pages, which pages are the most popular, and in what way visitors navigate the site.

Marketing: Marketing cookies are used to track the visits and individual activities on websites. They are used to place targeted advertisements.

Not classified: Not classified cookies are cookies which are currently being classified by us. You can find further information on this under 3.3.

In your browser, you have the option to display the cookies currently saved on your computer, delete them or set up your configuration so that no cookies are saved anymore.  Please be aware that some functions might not or not correctly work when you deactivate the cookies.

3.3 Use on our website

4. Individual Services

The listed services are used by us based either on our legitimate interest as per Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. f DSGVO, your consent as per Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO, or on the basis of a contractual relationship we have with you, in accordance with Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. b DSGVO.

The respective data processing purposes and data categories can be found in the following descriptions of the used services:

4.1 Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (hereinafter “Google”). Google Analytics uses marketing cookies, which allow for an analysis of your use of the website. The information regarding your use of this website which is generated by the cookie is generally transferred to a server of Google in the USA and retained there. We enabled the IP anonymisation on this website so that your IP address will first be shortened by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports about the website activities and to provide further services relating to the use of the website use and the Internet to the website operator. The IP address transferred by your browser in connection with Google Analytics will not be amalgamated with other Google data.

You may prevent the installation of the cookies by changing the settings of the browser software accordingly; however, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that, in this case, it might not be possible to use all functions of this website to the fullest extent.
In addition, you may prevent the collection of the data created by the cookie and related to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) as well as the processing of such data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link:

Before we set the relevant cookies on our homepage we will ask for your consent using our cookie banner. The legal basis for the processing is therefore given with your consent as per Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

4.2 Google Tag Manager

This website uses Google Tag Manager of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (hereinafter “Google”). Google Tag Manager allows to manage website tags via an interface. The Tag Manager tool itself (which implements the tags) is a cookie-free domain and does not capture personal data. The tool triggers the implementation of other tags that may collect data on their part. Google Tag Manager does not access such data. In case of any deactivation on domain or cookie level, it remains in effect for all tracking tags that were implemented using Google Tag Manager.

4.3 GA Audiences

On this website, GA Audiences, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; "Google") collects and stores data to create usage profiles using pseudonyms. With this technology, users having already visited our websites and online services will be shown targeted advertising from us on other external websites of the Google Partner Network. For this purpose, a cookie is set on your computer, which is used to analyze user behavior when visiting the website and can then be used for targeted product recommendations and interest-based advertising. If you do not want to receive interest-based advertising you can deactivate the use of these cookies for this purpose by Google following the instructions on 

Before we set the relevant cookies on our homepage we will ask for your consent using our cookie banner. The legal basis for the processing is therefore given with your consent as per Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

4.4 Double Click

This website uses “DoubleClick”, an online marketing tool of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (hereinafter “Google”). DoubleClick uses cookies to present advertisements relevant to you. In doing so, a pseudonymised identification number (ID) is assigned to your browser to verify what ads were displayed in your browser and what ads were accessed. The cookies do not contain personal information.

Using DoubleClick cookies enables Google and its partner websites only to place ads based on previous visits to our or other websites on the Internet. The information generated by the cookies is transferred by Google to a server in the US and retained there for evaluation purposes. Google transfers the data to third parties only under legal regulations or as part of order data processing. Google will not amalgamate your data with other data captured by Google in any case. By using our websites, you agree to the processing of the data collected about you by Google and to the manner of data processing described above as well as to the purpose specified.

We use DoubleClick for marketing and optimisation purposes. Herein also lies our legitimate interest in the processing of the aforementioned data. The legal basis is point (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR.

Before we set the relevant cookies on our homepage we will ask for your consent using our cookie banner. The legal basis for the processing is therefore given with your consent as per Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

You can find further information on how you can prevent Google from collecting and further processing the data created by cookies and regarding the use of websites under

4.5 Google Ads

On this website, we use "Google Ads" (former Google AdWords), a service of Google Inc.1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (called "Google" in the following). With Google Ads, we can draw attention to our attractive offers on external websites using advertising. This helps us to assess how successful individual advertising measures are. These advertising media is supplied by Google using so-called "AdServers". We use so-called AdServer cookies for this purpose, which are utilized to evaluate certain parameters to measure the success, such as display of the ads and user clicks. If you were directed to our website via a Google advertisement, a cookie will be set on your computer by Google Ads. These cookies usually expire after 30 days. The following information is usually saved as analysis value alongside the cookie: Unique-Cookie-ID, number of Ad Impressions per placing (Frequency), last impression (relevant for Post-View-Conversions), Opt-out-Information (Marker that the user does not wish to be addressed anymore). These cookies allow Google to recognize your web browser. In case a user visits certain sites of the website of an Ads-customer and the cookie saved on their computer is not yet expired, Google and the customer will be able to see that this user has clicked the advertisement and was redirected to this site. Every Ads-customer is assigned a different cookie. We do not collect or process personal data ourselves during the described advertising measures. Google will only provide us with statistical evaluations. These evaluations allow us to asses which of the used advertising measures are the most effective. We do not receive any further data from the use of the advertising media and are particularly not able to identify the users with these information. Due to the use of these marketing tools, your browser will automatically directly connect to the Google server. We cannot influence the scope or further use of the data collected by Google using Google Ads. To our knowledge, Google receives the information that you visited the respective part of our website or clicked on one of our advertisements. If you own a Google user account and are registered, Google will match your visit with your account. Even if you are not registered on Google or are not logged-in, it is possible that Google will learn and save your IP address.

Before we set the relevant cookies on our homepage we will ask for your consent using our cookie banner. The legal basis for the processing is therefore given with your consent as per Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

You can prevent cookies from being installed by deleting existing cookies and deactivating the saving of cookies in the settings of your web browser. We have to inform you that you might not be able to fully use all functions of our website in that case.  You can also prevent cookies from being saved by blocking cookies from the domain "" via your web browser settings. ( Please be aware that this setting is also removed when deleting your cookies. You can also deactivate interest-based advertising via  Please be aware that this setting is also removed when deleting your cookies.

Information on the third party service provider: Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Fax: +353 (1) 436 1001. Further information on how Google uses data, settings and options for objection as well as data protection are found on the following Google websites:

Privacy policy: Google website-statistics:

4.6 Google Maps

On this website, the map service Google Maps of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (called "Google" in the following) is used via an API. It is necessary to save your IP address for this purpose. The information received hereby are usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and are saved there. We cannot influence this data transmission. You can find further information on data protection under:

Within the scope of the map service, our websites uses Google Web Fonts from Google (Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to be able to uniformly display fonts.  This leads to your browser saving the required web fonts in your browser cache when visiting a website to be able to correctly display texts and fonts.  Your web browser will communicate with the Google servers and thereby allow Google to recognize that the website was called via your IP address.

You can find further information in Google's privacy policy and under

Google Maps is technically implemented for use on our homepage in such a way that your personal data is not transmitted to the provider until you have accepted their privacy policy.

4.7  YouTube

​This website uses YouTube, a web video portal of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (hereinafter “Google”). YouTube enables video publishers to upload video clips free of charge and other users to watch, evaluate and comment such video clips at no charge. YouTube allows the publication of all kinds of videos, which is why both full film and television programmes, but also music videos, teasers or videos produced by users themselves are retrievable via the web portal.

Every time one of the individual sites of this website is accessed, which is operated by the controller responsible for processing and into which a YouTube component (YouTube video) was integrated, the respective YouTube component automatically prompts the web browser on the data subject’s IT system to download a presentation of the corresponding YouTube component from YouTube. Further information on YouTube can be retrieved at Within this technical process, YouTube and Google are provided with information about the specific subpage the data subject visits on our website.

Where the data subject is logged into YouTube at the same time, the access of a subpage containing a YouTube video enables YouTube to see the specific subpage the data subject visits on our website. This information is collected by YouTube and Google and assigned to the respective YouTube account of the data subject.

YouTube and Google are informed by the YouTube component about the data subject’s visit to our website every time the data subject is logged into YouTube while retrieving our website, regardless of whether or not the data subject clicks on a YouTube video. If the data subject does not want such information to be transferred to YouTube and Google in this way, the data subject may prevent the transfer by logging out of his or her YouTube account before accessing our website.

The data protection provisions published by YouTube are retrievable at and provide insight into the collection, processing and use of personal data by YouTube and Google.

The videos on our website are embedded in the so-called "extended data protection mode". With this function, the setting of YouTube cookies by using the website only can be prevented. YouTube cookies are then only set when the website user actively plays an embedded video.

4.8 Google Dynamic Remarketing

This websites uses Google Inc.'s ("Google") Remarketing function. This function is used to show visitors of the website interest-based advertising within the Google advertising network. The visitors' browsers save so-called cookies, text files which are saved on your computer and allow to recognize the visitor when they visit a website that is part of the Google advertising network. The user is then presented with advertisements when visiting these sites which relate to contents they have previously accessed on websites that use Google's Remarketing function. According to Google, they do not collect personal data during this process. If you would still prefer to not use the Google Remarketing function you can deactivate it via the respective settings under Alternatively, you can deactivate the use of cookies for interest-based advertising via the advertising network initiative by following the instructions under

You can find further information about Google Remarketing and Google's privacy policy under:

Before we set the relevant cookies on our homepage we will ask for your consent using our cookie banner. The legal basis for the processing is therefore given with your consent as per Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

4.9 Contact form and e-mail contact

If you send us enquiries using the contact form or by e-mail, we retain your data from the enquiry form including the contact data specified there by you or from your e-mail for processing the enquiry and in case follow-up questions arise. We will not pass such data on to others without your consent.

The data entered into the contact form is thus exclusively processed based on your consent (point (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR). You may withdraw such consent at any time.. To do so, sending us an informal message by e-mail is sufficient. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

The data entered into the contact form by you remains with us until you request its erasure, withdraw your consent to its retention or the purpose for the data retention no longer applies (e.g., when your enquiry has been dealt with). Imperative legal provisions, in particular retention periods, remain unaffected.

4.10 Supplierapplication

If you send us your supplier application via our homepage, we will store the information you provide in the form, including the contact data you enter, for the purpose of processing the supplier application and for possible follow-up questions.

The processing of the data entered in the contact form is based exclusively on Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO within the framework of pre-contractual measures. The data you have entered in your supplier application will remain with us until you request their deletion, revoke your consent for their storage, or the purpose for storing the data is no longer valid (e.g. after the supplier application has been completely processed). Mandatory legal provisions - in particular safekeeping periods - remain unaffected.

4.11 Applications

Our web presence offers you the possibility to submit applications for vacancies at Grenzebach by e-mail or via our application portal.

We process your personal data based on Art. 88 GDPR i. c. w. section 26(1), (8) s. 2 BDSG to implement the application procedure as well as to handle the employment relationship in case of its realisation.

Your personal data is added to our applicant pool only with your consent under point (a) of Article 6(1) GDPR. Furthermore, we may process personal data concerning you to the extent that this is necessary to ward off legal claims asserted against us from the application procedure. The legal basis in this case is point (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR, with our legitimate interest being, for example, the burden of proof in the procedure under the German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

Personal data is retained for the aforementioned purposes as long as this is necessary to fulfil these purposes. To ward off legal claims asserted against us from the application procedure, your personal data is retained for a maximum period of 6 months.

Your data will be neither used for any automated decision-making or for any profiling nor disseminated to third parties on our part.

4.11.1 Applicant pool and disclosure within the Grenzebach Group

With your consent we will sometimes add your application to the applicant pool. Your personal data will then be stored for a maximum of 12 months.

You may revoke your consent to add your application documents to the applicant pool at any time without stating reasons and with effect for the future. After your revocation, we will no longer store your personal data in the applicant pool and delete it. The revocation is to be addressed to: Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH, Albanusstr. 1, 86663 Asbach-Bäumenheim, Hamlar,

If there is the possibility that your application will be successful with another Grenzebach company, we will ask you for your consent to pass on your application. Your application will not be passed on without your consent.

4.11.2 Applications by e-mail

In case of any application by e-mail, we collect data associated with your application. This may be general data on your person (e.g. first name, surname, address, phone number, e-mail address), information on your school and vocational education as well as on advanced vocational training or other information transmitted by you to us in connection with your application.

Please note that e-mails are principally not dispatched in encrypted form on the Internet. As a rule, e-mails are encrypted in transit, but not on the servers from and by which they are send out and received. We may thus not assume any responsibility for the transmission path of the application between the sender and its receipt on our server. Applicants are welcome to contact us on how to submit the application or to send us the application by mail.

4.11.3 Application via applicant portal

In case of any application via our applicant portal, we collect master data on your person and further framework data as well as data on your school and vocational education. Furthermore, you have the possibility to complement your application by further appendices you can upload into our applicant portal. All data you provide to us within the applicant portal is transferred to us via a secure, i.e. encrypted, connection.

Before sending out your application, you consent that we may use your data as part of the application procedure. You may withdraw such consent at any time without giving reasons. To do so, addressing an informal e-mail to the competent HR department ( is sufficient.

4.12 Newsletter

You can subscribe to our newsletter on the website under the heading "Newsletter" or through further channels. 

The newsletter provides you with 

  • up-to-date information on Grenzebach services and products 
  • details of and invitations to selected events (e.g. trade fairs, customer events, training courses) organized by Grenzebach, or at which Grenzebach takes part 
  • invitations to market research or customer surveys as well as 
  • invitations to webinars. 

We only process your data to send you newsletters if you have given us your consent. Your consent to the processing of your personal data regards in particular: 

  • E-mail address 
  • Surname, first name, 
  • Title, salutation 
  • Selection of newsletter language 
  • Selection of your picked interests 

To confirm your registration and consent, we use the double opt-in process. To document and proof your consent we will record your confirmation. 

Your consent serves the purpose of processing your personal data to send the newsletter and to adapt it to your requirements. In order to continuously improve our newsletter service and to be able to provide content which best suits your personal interests, we will evaluate your use of the newsletter in statistical and individual form (e.g. opening and click rates). This means, for example, that we will try to understand which information is of particular interest to you based on the content you click on in our newsletters. 

The revocation of your consent is possible at any time for the future. If you wish to revoke the consent you have given for the newsletter, you can easily do so via the "unsubscribe" link you can find in every newsletter or via any of the contact options provided here. 

The Grenzebach Group reserves the right to stop sending newsletters at any time. 

4.13 Microsoft Dynamics 365

We use cookies or tracking pixel from Microsoft Dynamics 365 on our website. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is provided by Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland. Microsoft Dynamics sets the following cookies:

- Long-term behavioral-analysis cookie: This enables Dynamics 365 Marketing to score leads based on their level of interaction with a given website. The cookie contains no personal information but does uniquely identify a specific browser on a specific machine, and Dynamics 365 Marketing can use it to correlate this ID with an actual contact in the Dynamics 365 Marketing database.  The cookie remains active for two years.

Short-term, single-visit cookie: Dynamics 365 Marketing uses this cookie to group all page loads by a given visitor that are recorded by the same behavioural-analysis script and that occur within the configured timeframe.  It will consider all of these as part of a single "visit" to the website.

For more information about how Microsoft Dynamics 365 operates, please see Microsoft's privacy policy, available at:

Registration as a customer

On our website, you have the option to register as a customer in order to make even better use of our services. You can initiate registering as a user via our contact form. Upon registration, in addition to information on the respective business partner, we also collect personal data on the contact person, the details of which can be found in the registration mask. Required information is marked accordingly. Provided you agree, we will merge the data from the browser profile with your customer data in order to provide you with even more suitable offers.  

We use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 customer relationship management ("CRM") system to manage your customer account. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is provided by Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Irland.

For more information about how Microsoft Dynamics 365 operates, please see Microsoft's privacy policy, available at:

5. Processing of business partner data

Grenzebach concludes various contracts (e.g. contracts with customers, suppliers, system partners, service agencies, repair processing and other business partners), in order to meet their economic purposes. The data collection as well as the data processing are used for the establishment, execution and termination of the contractual relationship. If necessary, the data are processed within the scope of fullfilment of the legal obligations of the state import and export control. The priority legal basis for this are Article 6, par. 1b and c) GDPR. As far as required we process your data based on Art. 6 par. 1 f) GDPR, in order to respect the interest of Grenzebach or third parties (e.g. authorities). This particularly applies in the company for the purpose of Inter-company control, the internal communication and other management purposes, but also for the respect of internal and world-wide compliance standards. Besides, the processing of personal data can be based on your consent as per Article 6, par. 1a) GDPR.

5.1 Which data categories are used by Grenzebach

The categories of personal data processed include especially your contact data (name of the company, address, first and last name of a contact person, mobile number, e-mail address of the corresponding partner, function and department of the contact partners), as well as the bank details depending on the purpose as well as the required VAT ID number. Should you request the shipping of spare parts to another location, you can inform us about the additional contact data, which we will then also collect and process for this purpose.

We should like to inform you that within the scope of the respective contractual relationship you will have to provide those personal and company data, which are needed for the establishment, the execution and the termination of the contractual relationship or the performance promise and their respective fulfilment or the collection of which we are legally obliged.

5.2 How long will your data be retained

We will erase your personal data as soon as they are no longer needed for the above-mentioned purposes or when you have made use of your right of objection. At the end of the contractual relationship, your personal data will be retained, as long as we are legally obliged to retain them. This is regularly the result to legal proof and obligations to retention, which are regulated, among other things, in the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the German Fiscal Code (AO). The retention periods after this time amount to up to ten years. Besides it can happen, that personal data are stored for the future, in which demands can be asserted to us.

6. Your rights

Of course, you retain control over any and all personal data you provide to us when visiting our website and using our services. You have the following rights and may exercise them free of charge:

6.1 Right of access

You have the right to obtain access at any time to your personal data retained with us.

6.2 Right to withdraw given consents

You have the right to withdraw a consent once given to the processing of personal data at any time with effect for the future. In the case of withdrawal, we will erase the relevant data without delay where any further processing cannot be based on a legal basis for processing. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

6.3 Right to object

Where we process your personal data based on our outweighing legitimate interest in the context of balancing interests, you have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to such processing with effect for the future.

If you exercise your right to objection, we will cease processing the relevant data. Further processing remains reserved, however, if we have proof of compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which prevail over your interests, fundamental rights and freedoms or where the processing serves the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

If your personal data is processed by us for the purposes of direct marketing, you have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purposes of such kind of marketing at any time.

6.4 Right to data portability

You have the right to request that your personal data be transferred by us to a different entity.

6.5 Right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing

You have the right to have your personal data be rectified, erased or its processing be restricted.

6.6 Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority or our company to the extent that you have a reason for objection. To exercise rights towards our company, please approach the contact persons specified at the end of this Privacy Policy.

7. Duration of retention

The criterion for the duration of retention of personal data is the respective legal retention period. After expiry of the period, the corresponding data will be routinely erased, unless it is still required to achieve the necessary purposes.

8. Automated decision-making

There will be no automated decision-making based on the collected personal data.

9. Data security

We use the common SSL (Secure Socket Layer) procedure in combination with the respective highest degree of encryption that is supported by your browser. You can see whether an individual site of web presence is transmitted in encrypted form by the ‘closed’ icon of the key or lock symbol in the lower status line of your browser.

Apart from the above, we use appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect your data against accidental or deliberate manipulations, partial or complete loss, destruction or access by unauthorised third parties. Our security measures are subject to continuous improvement in line with technological developments.

You can prevent the functionality of Google Analytics by clicking onto the following link. An opt-out cookie is set, which prevent your data from being collected when visiting this website: Google Analytics Opt-out